
BBGH nurses complete LEARN Breastfeeding Hospital Champion Campaign

4月, 在3月初完成项目要求后,Box Butte总医院(BBGH)的护士获得了内布拉斯加州农村哺乳教育(LEARN)母乳喂养医院冠军运动证书.

According to the Nebraska Department of Health and Human 服务 (NEDHHS), the LEARN Breastfeeding Hospital Champion Campaign started in August 2022. Its overall goal is to increase breastfeeding in Nebraska. Using Maternity Practice in Infant Nutrition and Care (mPINC) results from each individual hospital, 该方案协助医院实施改善婴儿营养和护理的最佳做法和政策. The Nebraska mPINC Results focus on six topics: immediate postpartum care, 母婴同室, 喂养方法, 提供教育和支持, 放电的支持, 机构管理.

OB协调员萨曼莎·安德瑞森说,她开始与NEDHHS和杰基·莫林的学习小组合作, NEDHHS Maternal Infant Health Program Manager, 在2月份, with the goal of increasing BBGH’s mPINC score in the 2024 survey.

In 2022, BBGH’s total hospital score was 74. The average total score of hospitals in the region was 80, 产出率相似的医院(每年少于250次分娩)的总分为77分.

The team focused on 提供教育和支持 and immediate postpartum care. 产后立即护理包括产后至少一小时的皮肤接触,或直到母乳喂养, monitoring newborns continuously for the first two hours after birth, educating mothers on recognizing and responding to feeding cues, 按需母乳喂养, 以及有效的母乳喂养评估.

“Breastfeeding is a passion shared by our group of nurses, 这个指定奖肯定了IM电竞App官网在社区内促进哺乳资源的奉献精神,安德瑞森说.

目前, BBGH为第一次母乳喂养的妈妈以及以前母乳喂养可能遇到困难的妈妈提供哺乳咨询. BBGH的四位哺乳期顾问的目标是帮助妈妈们在哺育婴儿的过程中取得成功. You can start visiting a lactation counselor while you’re still pregnant, 出生后马上, 或者母乳喂养几个月.

Reasons to see a lactation counselor include: milk supply concerns, 挣扎于护理岗位, 锁存的问题, 结舌, 或吸, 拒绝乳房.

To schedule an appointment with a lactation counselor, please call 308-762-7244. Appointments are available Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.